Cell Salts Supplements for Natural Health and Vitality
Looking good is reflected by feeling good and making good healthy life choices
List of Cell Salts and their benefits:
- 1. Calcium fluoratum - elasticity
- 2. Calcium phosphoricum - bones / teeth
- 3. Ferrum phosphoricum - first assistance
- 4. Kalium chloratim - mucous membranes
- 5. Kalium phosphoricum - nerves / mind
- 6. Kalium sulfuricum - chronic inflammation
- 7. Magnesium phosphoricum - cramps and pains
- 8. Natrium chloratum - fluid balance
- 9. Natrium phosphoricum - acid-base balance
- 10. Natrium sulfuricum - excretion
- 11. Silicea - hair / nails / skin
- 12. Calcium sulfuricum - cleansing processes
Cell Salts are available for sale in creams, globules and tablets
Facial Diagnosis Signs
The attached questionnaire may indicate patterns of mineral deficiencies.
Facial features ofen show where these are lacking and reflect in your health and vitality. e.g. diet, quality of sleep, level of toxins, excercise , water consumption and stress management.
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